Monday, November 11, 2013

meet lil O

Today was great and amazing. I will share details later. I am too tired to spend any more time on this so I am just going to share these tiny pictures and let you know what we have learned about this little man thus far.

1. He is so amazingly cute!
2. He is smart. He can draw and color very well. We have enjoyed coloring together.
3. He is all boy. He loves cars and trucks.
4. He wants to clean up his toys before he gets anything else out. (Momma likes this)
5. He is very kind and polite.
6. He is calm but gets excited during play
7. He is VERY ticklish.
8. And this kid loves to eat! When we met him he had fruit and sunflower seeds stashed in his pockets and he just ate an adult meal from mcdonalds. The sweet thing is that he is always sharing with us.

Tomorrow we officially adopt him as one of our own. Praying for a good night sleep cause momma and baba are tired! Nigh night!


  1. He looks like he's happy with you two! Hope you all have a good night's sleep. Thanks for posting and keeping us in the loop. Love, K

  2. Oh and also, it will be delightful to have another grandchild who will actually eat McDonalds!

  3. The photos are amazing, you can see how happy he is.

  4. Linds and Tyler, Mal shared your blog with me and it's so great we get to follow you on this incredible journey! Oliver is adorable and is so lucky! You're in our prayers!
