Thursday, November 14, 2013


I was wide awake at 1:30 am again this morning. It is frustrating when I can't get back to sleep but sometimes my mind starts spinning in good ways. I lay there pondering the moment we left the orphanage. Where do we go from there? How do I show this boy that I am mom and how do we walk this road of attachment and bonding? The Lord presented three paths for me. We could leave the orphanage together on the subway, the bus (our only actual way to leave together), or by foot.

The subway would be quick, cheap and easy. We would most likely pass out with our eyes closed. I may stare down and my iPhone checking updates, but the ride would take place in total darkness with little interaction between the two of us, let alone with anyone else.

The bus would look very similar. We may have a bit more scenery that would pass by quickly and we would most likely visit and interact with the people in our group. Still little interaction with each other but it would be safe and comfortable.

Traveling by foot would be difficult. We would face unbelievable challenges. We would get tired, cold, hungry and maybe even hurt but oh how he would learn to trust me. He would be forced to lean on me for help. He would be forced to find strength in me when he is weak. He would first hand witness me providing for his every need. If we are lucky, we may learn from others along the way and we would rejoice in the beauty around us. We would bond. He would attach.

The bible speaks over and over again about how we have been adopted by God and rescued through the blood of Christ. He has brought us into his eternal kingdom because He loves us so much. If you haven't watched this video please do. It is one of the things that tugged on my heart strings and led me to this place.

God's heart is adoption. He adopted us and he wants to walk with us on the hard and narrow path he has called us to. He doesn't want us taking the subway where it is dark. He doesn't want us looking down on the short, easy and selfish journey all while missing out on the incredible, beautiful life He has for us.

He doesn't want us riding the bus where life is safe. He doesn't want us only interacting with those we know and are comfortable with. He doesn't want us to get small glimpses of his beauty safely inside our comfort walls where we can continue to be self sufficient.

He wants to walk with us. He wants to take our hand and guide us through life. He wants to bring us to a place where we solely rely on him. He wants us to see his marvelous beauty from the mountain
tops without our cell phones in hand. He wants us to meet strangers and exchange love.  He wants to
comfort us when we are hurt. He wants us to feed us when we are hungry. He wants to give us
strength when we are weak. He wants to bond. He wants to attach. But we must first must make the choice to take the journey with him.

I can tell you that I choose all kinds of transportation. I go back and forth. You would think I would know by now but how sweet it is when I choose the walk. I have never felt such love, joy and peace.

This journey to little O has been tough at times, yet so easy knowing Christ is with us. Today was hard. I will tell you about it later. O has showed some resistance and pain that breaks this momma's heart. But he is so sweet and I am so grateful that every difficult steps brings us closer. Praise God!

Here are some pics from the visit yesterday. These are of his classroom, his bed and his foster momma. Sweetness!

We ended the day yesterday (after the orphanage visit) with his first swim, which he loved and his
first pizza, which he did not.

Thanks for listening. Hard not to share when The Lord puts something on your heart.

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