Tuesday, November 19, 2013

people and food

The last two days have been spent shopping. Tyler has REALLY enjoyed it. The mall crammed with 4000 stores of just beads got him really excited. Regardless, we saw some cool markets and today were able to venture out on our own and found a beautiful park.

My favorite part of the park was people watching. Everyone is doing something different. We saw a couple younger apoplectic jogging but the majority of people were doing dancing excercises or Tai chi. So cool to watch these old traditions still used. Others were stretching. One lady was practicing singing while others were playing instruments. They played cards, painted with giant paint brushes and laughed with loved ones.

One of my favorite things to see in all of China so far is the love everyone has for children. Everywhere, you see grandparents holding the hands of their small grandchildren. It is a sweet sight. It is hard to see the beautiful family dynamic here in China and not think of O's birth family. We know nothing of them. As a momma who has given birth to two babies I can only imagine the pain she must have gone through in giving him up. I can speculate why she did it and how she felt but
honestly I have no idea.

I can examine the facts and the facts are that China allows families to have one child in urban areas. And if you can have one child, most people in this culture want one who is healthy, and many want a boy. Fortunately the one child laws have been relaxed since 2008 (you may have heard all the news on that in the last couple days). International adoptions have slowed down since then as well, because many families are paying the fee (which is equivalent to one year salary) to keep their second child and domestic adoption has even increased (awesome). However, the need to adopt special need children is still great because most families cannot afford the medical costs that come with these kids. Many of you have asked why there are boys available for adoption. This is why. You will not find many healthy boys for adoption in China. In fact, the wait list to adopt a healthy child from China is about 7 years. Yes, at one point you found almost all girls in the orphanages, but not so much any more. Now, you will find almost all special needs kids.

Though I may not fully understand it, I am thankful. I am thankful that O's birth mom chose life for her baby. I am thankful that in a country where giving up your baby for adoption is illegal, she made sure he was safe. I am sad that I couldn't give her the money to repair his lip so that he she could see what a healthy, smart and beautiful little boy he is and keep her for her own. But I am grateful. He is already such a gift to us. I am sad that our world is so backward that this is how life has to play out. A mom without her son. I heard some numbers the other day that were so disturbing... It can cost less than $400 to have an abortion but sometimes over $40,000 to adopt a baby. Crazy!

Sorry, left the topic of my post a bit. One of the first questions I asked our guide in Chongqing was how the locals feel about us Americans coming in to adopt their babies? He said that they think it is a ver positive thing. That made be feel a bit of relief. I don't like confrontation. But we do get ALOT of stares. People will just come stand next to us and watch us without saying anything. It is mostly older people. They look at us, then O, and then us again. Some just stop right in their tracks in shock. It is so weird and uncomfortable. We have gotten some people who are very friendly and try to talk to us with big smiles. I encountered one rude guy on the airplane but fortunately I didn't know he was being rude until later when Tyler told me. I was really annoyed but figured I need to get used to it because for some reason people think it is ok to share their opinions at any time and in any place. I am sure this is only a taste of the kind of comments and questions I am going to get at home. I pray that I can always respond with love and grace.

The people here have style. I love it! Everyone has a unique look to them. A lot of tights under shorts.  They have a love for fashion. You don't find many jeans and t-shirts and definitely no moms in yoga pants. Oh, and let me introduce you to split pants. See the hole in the little babies pants? Yep, that is so he can just squat and pee or poop anywhere he chooses. Just like your pup at home. In malls, stores, anywhere. Some clean it up others cover with a napkin ( : guess it saves on the cost of diapers.

The areas of the cities we have visited are super clean and well taken care of. I have been impressed.
We went on a boat cruise of the river and were able to see the city at night. It really was beautiful. The canton tower is the second tallest "needle" like structure in the world.

The food has been good. We haven't had anything that has been knock your socks off good. It is hard when you don't have the locals helping you order. Guangzhou has many more options. We have had a couple good noodle dishes. There is a delishious pizza place near by and we hear some really good Mexican. We are ready to come home and eat some of our regular food. I question the meat I am eating at times and am not in love with the fruit. I feel like all we do is eat and it is a lot of carbs. Thankfully we are getting a lot of walking in.

Tomorrow we head to the US consulate to finalize all the paper work, then less than two more days till we fly home! I am so excited to see my girls and hold them tight. Good night, all.

Ps. We got a O a new transformers toy that he loves!


  1. I guess this means the TB test was negative? I've been having so much fun reading your posts, Lindsay! Thanks for sharing O with us!

  2. I wake up each morning looking forward to read what you all have been doing. It's really a blessing to be included in your journey. Thanks for going to all the effort to post pictures and write your blog. Looking forward to having my family home, too!
